Calls and events

Calls and events can be aimed at:

XXIII Future Packaging Observatory (Special Edition)


En estos Workshops mensuales se exponen las noticias más relevantes y se analizan las tendencias del sector del envase a nivel mundial. Los asistentes podrán conocer esta información de primera mano y resolver dudas de la mano de expertos en packaging.

Edición especial sobre cómo se gestionan los residuos de los envases en Europa.

III Future Packaging Observatory Workshop


The Future Packaging Observatory is a knowledge platform for packaging that collects and analyses news and trends from all over the world, including new eco-design materials and measures, legislative changes, modifications in current production processes and the appearance of new technologies that improve their efficiency, improvements in waste management, innovations from other sectors that are […]

II Future Packaging Observatory Workshop


The Future Packaging Observatory is a knowledge platform for packaging that collects and analyses news and trends from all over the world, including new eco-design materials and measures, legislative changes, modifications in current production processes and the appearance of new technologies that improve their efficiency, improvements in waste management, innovations from other sectors that are […]

I Future Packaging Observatory Workshop


In September, TheCircularLab (TCL) is launching the Future Packaging Observatory, a knowledge platform for packaging that collects and analyses news and trends from all over the world. In addition to the online platform, where users can read the news examined and verified by experts, every month a workshop will be held where the most relevant […]


02/07/2018 - 13/07/2018

Google’s DESIGN SPRINT is a five-day process in which participants work together to find answers to critical questions for any project.