TheCircularLab promotes circular design talent in the second edition of Circular Design Sprint

TheCircularLab promotes circular design talent in the second edition of Circular Design Sprint

  • The Ecoembes open innovation centre, in collaboration with Uxer School, has just closed the second edition of the Summer Bootcamps in which nearly 50 entrepreneurs, professionals and students have participated.

TheCircularLab, the first open innovation centre on the circular economy created in Europe by Ecoembes, in collaboration with Uxer School, has just finished the Summer Bootcamps, two weeks of intensive training, focused on the development of projects related to the circular economy, framed in the second edition of Circular Design Sprint. This initiative, in which nearly 50 people have participated, is aimed at identifying and attracting entrepreneurs and professionals focused on the design of products and services that promote the circular economy and care for the environment.

Specifically, the Summer Bootcamps took place at TheCircularLab centre located in Logroño, between the 1st and 12th of  July, when two five-day courses were held, in which participants were able to develop their ideas and network. A training session based on Google’s DESIGN SPRINT methodology. Throughout these days of training and practical learning, collaborative work was encouraged among participants who lived an experience focused on innovation and sustainability, answering critical questions related to the circular economy and recycling of packaging.

The challenges that were worked on during these days were related to “citizen science”, a theme in which participants devised possible solutions to involve citizens in a more participatory way in the recycling process, inside and outside their houses. The other challenge was related to “eco-design” in order to design a service to help companies improve the sustainability of their packaging.

TheCircularLab consolidates as a centre of innovation in circular economy

With this second edition, TheCircularLab and Uxer School managed to consolidate Circular Design Sprint as a reference program in the field of circular design in Spain, having as its main objective the search for talent and the development of projects that promote innovation in this field.

Zacarías Torbado, coordinator of TheCircularLab, states that “advancing in the development of new solutions in terms of citizen awareness in terms of recycling and eco-design is essential to achieve new models of society increasingly responsible. To this end, we are launching initiatives such as Circular Design Sprint, which allow us to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of the Circular Economy”.

Javier Larrea, founder of Uxer School, adds: “We actively collaborate in the open innovation system created  by TheCircularLab from Ecoembes, and we feel fortunate to contribute to the generation of ideas that respond to the challenges of the circular economy”.


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