Uxer School and Ecoembes launch the new Circular Design Sprint edition

Uxer School and Ecoembes launch the new Circular Design Sprint edition

TheCircularLab, is the first innovation center on circular economy created in Europe by Ecoembes, that together with a startup of its community, Uxer School, a school specializing in design, user experience and innovation, have launched the new edition of Circular Desing Sprint, an initiative aimed to identify students, professionals and entrepreneurs focused on the design of products and services that drive the circular economy and care for the environment.

With this second edition, TheCircularLab and Uxer School consolidate Circular Design Sprint as a reference program in the field of eco-design, citizen science and packaging waste management in Spain, having as its main objective the search for talent and new ideas that promote innovation in this field, developing projects from the best.

To this end, a tour of workshops has been launched that will reach several Spanish cities, such as Valencia, whose event took place on 26th February; Barcelona, which will host the meeting on 20th March;  and Madrid, which will hold the Circular Design Workshop on 24th April. During such kind of events, TheCircularLab and Uxer School put at the disposal of the participants several expert mentors who promote the realization of challenges to recycle more and better, and to create more sustainable packaging, through Design Thinking methodologies applied to the design of services and products of circular economy.

After this tour, two bootcamps will arrive at the end of Circular Design Sprint 2019, which will take place during the first two weeks of July at TheCircularLab’s facilities in Logroño. Two courses, based on Google’s complete DESING SPRINT methodology, each lasting five days. Throughout these days of training and practical learning, the good relationship between all attendees will be fostered, who will live a whole experience focused on innovation and sustainability, through a new methodology and creating Circular Economy projects in multidisciplinary teams with people from different sectors, experience and geographical origin.

This year, the itinerary has two Challenges for entrepreneurs and business professionals, who, during a special course of 8 hours, will work in a mixed innovation team. The objective is to develop a specific challenge that will be proposed by Ecoembes, using the same methodology as Design Sprint. It will take place on May 18th in Madrid and on June 1st in Barcelona.

With this project, TheCircularLab continues to consolidate itself as a packaging open innovation center that seeks to study, conceive, test and apply in a real environment the best practices to contribute to the care of the environment. In this way, it also continues to advance in the promotion of the application of the Circular Design Sprint methodology, applying it to the creation of the most sustainable packaging.

Zacarías Torbado, coordinator of TheCircularLab, states that “being able to visit different cities with Circular Design Sprint allows us to connect and broaden our collaboration with citizens, companies and administrations so that, in this way, together we can continue to promote innovation in the circular economy in an open system that connects and validates the best ideas and collaborators“.

Javier Larrea, CEO of Uxer School, states that “this collaboration allows us to create a very special experience for each participant, where learning, professional growth, entrepreneurship and commitment to the environment come together. An opportunity to design products or services with a very positive social impact that seek to improve people’s lives and with responsibility towards their environment.”


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