TheCircularLab is recruiting university students who can solve the challenges of the Circular Economy

TheCircularLab is recruiting university students who can solve the challenges of the Circular Economy

  • The project, with Campus Iberus as a partner, is open to eager students pursuing any degree in the ten participating universities.
  • Students accepting the challenge will receive training on innovative tools and develop skills in multidisciplinary teams.

TheCircularLab, the Circular Economy innovation centre at Ecoembes, is accepting applicants for its Circular University Challenge, a new initiative that seeks to recruit university students who can solve challenges involving the development of the circular economy.

This new Ecoembes challenge, in which Campus Iberus is taking part, is aimed at eager students pursuing any degree in the ten universities that are participating in the project this time around, students who are willing to come up with, either individually or in a group, innovative solutions that can drive the Circular Economy. It is the perfect scenario for people who think outside the box and who are able to nourish their own ideas or those of their colleagues.

This time, TheCircularLab is giving students two specific challenges:

  • How to get the public to recycle more and better?
  • How can packaging design be improved to make it more sustainable or recyclable or so that it uses recycled materials?

Students accepting the Circular University Challenge will have the chance to receive training on innovative tools and to develop work skills in multidisciplinary teams.

The participating universities are: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Universitat de Lleida, Universidad de A Coruña, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Universidad de La Rioja, Universidad de Zaragoza and Universidad de La Laguna.

Zacarías Torbado, coordinator of TheCircularLab, said that “TheCircularLab is an open innovation ecosystem, a pioneer in Europe, that is researching four areas: packaging of the future, smart waste (smart waste processing), citizen science and entrepreneurship. In its first year and a half of existence, it has created an entrepreneurial ecosystem comprising over 200 external partners, 55 students and a community of 20 entrepreneurs, selected from a field of over 150 from all over the world. With this new drive, we hope to generate new innovation that will result in a more sustainable planet”.

More information:!/aceptaselreto

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